SWPA BOARD OF DIRECTORSThe Southeastern Wood Producers Association would not exist without the guidance and support provided by our officers. They, along with our support staff, make it possible for our group to advocate for professional loggers throughout Florida and Georgia. Read on to learn more about their experiences with the industry, as well as their reasons for supporting southeastern logging companies. OFFICERSDILLON STRATTON, III – PRESIDENTD.M. Stratton, LLC Phone: (904) 759-7059 Dillon grew up around the logging business that his grandfather started in 1958, his father continued it as his adult career making it a natural transition into the family business for Dillon. Dillon worked many years side by side with his father in that family logging business, until 2015 when his dad retired. Dillon took the role as president of DM Stratton LLC making him the 3rd generation logger of the company. Upon taking over the business in 2015, Dillon has expanded the business to buying timber for the company with multiple crews. In that same year Dillon started 3D Trucking LLC. Dillon took interest in being on the board of SWPA after his father retired that position a few years back. Dillon truly has a passion for Logging and wants the best for his fellow loggers. DARLENE MCDONALD - VICE PRESIDENTSafety On Site, Inc. Phone: (478) 235-2684 Darlene became involved with the forest products industry in 1996 while working for a logger in middle Georgia. Part of her duties involved managing the safety program for their three crews. She realized that safety training and compliance was an area where many loggers could use some help. She founded Safety On Site, Inc. in 1997 to be a resource for loggers to help protect their workers and their businesses. Darlene has been active with SWPA since the early 2000s. She is a presenter for the Master Timber Harvester Introductory workshop. She also provides continuing education for GA and FL through SWPA and the Florida Forestry Association. She and her husband, Scott, work together in their business. They enjoy spending time with family and traveling. They have two children in college. Darlene enjoys bragging about “her” loggers and promoting the industry whenever she gets a chance. JAMES RHUE – SECRETARY / TREASURERPritc Phone:(352) 339-0967 James has been in the logging industry since1989 holding different positions from topper to crew foreman. James has been the director of operations for Pritchett Inc for the last 12 years managing there 3 logging crews along with director of maintenance for Pritchett Trucking . James is very passionate about bringing Loggers together as a unified voice and advancing the public image of the logging industry. JERRY GRAY – IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT / CHAIRMANGray Logging, LLC. Phone: (850) 673-1718 Jerry Gray was born in 1961 into a logging family. His dad, W.C. Gray, worked in the log woods, even logging out west for a time, and started his own logging company in 1971 when Jerry was just 10 years old. BOARD MEMBERSGannon Conner Scott Copeland Russell Fowler – Past President Brian Henderson – Past President Randy McKenzie – Past President Lucas Morris Ryan Pavlik Hunter Pitts Harry Sanders, III Richard Schwab - Past President Contact us today to find out how our team is serving professional loggers throughout Georgia and Florida. We proudly serve loggers and logging companies throughout the Southeastern United States. |
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