American Loggers Council LogoAMERICAN LOGGERS COUNCIL

The Southeastern Wood Producers Association is proud to partner with the United States’ most outspoken advocate for American loggers. Since 1994, the American Loggers Council has remained the unified national voice for professional loggers throughout the country. They are a coalition of state and regional logging organizations, and they represent 30 different states. They have made it their mission to enhance the logging profession, provide a unified voice on logging issues, and cooperate with the public, industrial, and private timberland owners to further sustainable forestry practices.

All members of the Southeastern Wood Producers Association are automatically members of the American Loggers Council which allows our members to be eligible for discount programs of SWPA and the ALC and join with loggers across the country to advance federal reforms. 

Interested in learning more about the American Loggers Council?

Visit them online at or contact the ALC's Executive Director Scott Dane.

ALC’s monthly “As We See It” column (will be re-posted here shortly)

Check Back Here later this year for REBATES Available thru the American Loggers Council.

2025 International Truck Rebate Program

Contact us today or visit our partners to learn how we’re supporting American loggers. We proudly serve loggers and logging companies throughout the Southeastern United States.